HAPPY LABOR DAY & HELLO & welcome to Garden Daddy here at the urban farm! I know, I know...I promised you over and over I would NOT get too "EGG-CITED" over this egg laying going on by the little pullets. But after being out of town from Friday afternoon this past week and returning home on Sunday afternoon, I had 3-more eggs in the nest boxes, 1 in one box and 2 in another out of the 8 nest boxes I have. i had already gotten one on Thursday and one on Friday. This is a good time to remind you that one nest box is good for 3 to 4 hens to share. Having 20 pullets that makes plenty enough to go around.
Well after work this morning, I went out to feed and give fresh water to the pullets and there were no eggs. It was still early, around 9 o'clock or so this morning. I went over to the community garden to pick okra, spray for Japanese Beetles, pick up garbage blown in or thrown out into the street area...general look-see and make a showing. When I got back I had a little garden insect spray left in my pump up sprayer so I used it and sprayed out under the pine trees in the shade to help rid some mosquitoes and I also sprayed on the OUTSIDE ONLY around the sides and back of the chicken coop, as this will prevent some unwanted crawly critters from entering that are not welcome...certain mites, etc. I heard one of the pullets just start cackling and really making a huge ruckus and went in and found one of the friendly Barred Rocks getting off a nest with a pale brown egg in it (one of the suspected culprits) and then one pullet, Miss Prissy, a Buff Orpington, still on a nest box. I gave her a little privacy and then went on with other projects. I then started to go back in the coop and when she heard me coming in she jumped off he nest and came running...remember, she is the pullet that has a strong affection for this Garden Daddy! So she abandoned her egg she just laid to come to get me to pet her and rub her head. She and the Barred Rock that are laying are the most friendly, other than one of the Ameraucana pullets. I think now I have had enough of the newness of it all and will just keep you updated at I start to get the bulk of the eggs. Lets see...with 20-pullets...that should be between 15 to 16 eggs per day on the average...that will be about what...say 15 per day for sure multiplied by 7-days per week...equals...105 eggs per week divided by 12 (1-dozen) equals about 8.75 dozen per week or around 9 dozen a week. I am glad I have a lot of neighbors, co-workers and friends who are wanting eggs. I will eat about a dozen a week so that will leave about 8 dozen to get rid of. No problem as I see it for sure. I know what I will be taking to any neighborhood association meeting or Master Gardener meetings...that's right, deviled eggs!
On to other news. The community garden I oversee is still putting out okra and lots of it. I would be getting even more if we would get some good rain here. It is still very dry, though somewhat milder and not as humid as most of the summer has been. I am waiting on some rain to plant some greens for the fall. I hope we do have a nice long fall. It has been so hot a nice fall would be lovely this year. In fact this being Labor Day, I plan to start later today or tomorrow to set up my fall garden home decor and I will post some photos on this site later this week. I have a new fall garden flag and lamp post flag that are a set and will show them later as well. So I will leave you this holiday with our ongoing gardening affirmation: "URBAN FARMING: ONE EGG AT A TIME!"